Talk (And Sing) Like A (Mexican) Pirate Day: ‘Santy Anno’ (video)
It’s International Talk Sing Like A Pirate Day and we’re please to present not only a “sea shanty” about being a pirate, but one about the Mexican-American war of the 1850s. It’s even in Wikipedia! This video of Santy Anno has music by Forebitter and Lord Cavendish manga-influenced artwork assembled by uploader LordDrakoArakis, probably not his real name.
Here’s the some of what Wikipedia says about this traditional song:
Mas…Talk (And Sing) Like A (Mexican) Pirate Day: ‘Santy Anno’ (video)
In Michoacan, the Hernandez Garcia family makes art from clay (video)
In the southwestern Mexican state of Michoacan, the Hernandez Garcia family takes local clay and water and transforms it into stunning glazed pottery, just like their ancestors before them. [Video by Mariano Rentería Garnica.]
‘When Mexican Joe Met Jole Blon’ (1953 YouTube music, lyrics)
A story of cross-border romance — a mojado and a Cajun queen — are the stars of country singer’s Hank Snow’s Mexican Joe and Joli Blon, released on 78 RPM disk in 1953.
Here are the lyrics and guitar chords (via Genius Lyrics) so you can sing and play along!
Mas…‘When Mexican Joe Met Jole Blon’ (1953 YouTube music, lyrics)
Neil Young vs the Dakota Access Pipeline: ‘Indian Givers’ (video,lyrics)
OG activist Neil Young stands up for the Standing Rock Sioux and against the Dakota Access Pipeline in this new song and video — Indian Givers.
The lyrics include the story of Dale “Happy” American Horse Jr., a Native activist who was busted after chaining himself to a digger machine at the site.
Mira los lyrics:
Mas…Neil Young vs the Dakota Access Pipeline: ‘Indian Givers’ (video,lyrics)
Talk and Sing Like a Mexican Pirate Day: ‘Santy Anno’ (music video)
It’s International Talk Sing Like A Pirate Day and we’re please to present not only a “sea shanty” about being a pirate, but one about the Mexican-American war of the 1850s. It’s even in Wikipedia! This video of Santy Anno has music by Forebitter and Lord Cavendish manga-influenced artwork assembled by uploader LordDrakoArakis, probably not his real name.
Here’s the some of what Wikipedia says about this traditional song:
Mas…Talk and Sing Like a Mexican Pirate Day: ‘Santy Anno’ (music video)
To win playing BORDERS, you need to beat La Migra (video)
BORDERS is a game from Gonzalo Alvarez where players walk in the shoes of an immigrant to endure the danger of a journey across the desert. You only win if you can avoid La Migra and beat the heat by hiding under bushes and staying hydrated. Many make the journey towards the border with the promise of a better life, but only the fittest survive.
Mas…To win playing BORDERS, you need to beat La Migra (video)
Don’t try this at home: How to make an ‘Obsidian Heart’ (video)
It looks easy if you know how. Mexico City master jeweler José Luis Gonzalez Bautista fashions a silver setting for an Obsidian Heart. [Video by robertopotamo.] Need some silver work? Go straight to Plaza San Jacinto 3B, San Ángel, 01000 Álvaro Obregón, DF, México.
In rural Mexico, where there’s a will, there’s a well (video)
A bomba de mecate is a rope pump for water wells. In San Miguel del Valle, Díaz Ordaz, Oaxaca, Mexico, you can build one if you know how. Maybe! 😉
Here’s how you do it, at least according to YouTube:
Mas…In rural Mexico, where there’s a will, there’s a well (video)
Chiapas drought reveals 16th-century church (video)
It’s dry in Mexico, too, but it’s not all bad. Low waters in a Chipas reservoir have revealed a sunken treasure. Discovery.com reports:
Scientists: There’s a water-filled cave under Chichen Itza (video)
Mexican scientists have discovered a cave/sinkhole/subterranean river underneath the ruins of the Kukulkan Pyramid at Chichen Itza in the Yucatan.
Euronews reports on last week’s announcement:
Mas…Scientists: There’s a water-filled cave under Chichen Itza (video)
Hot fun in the Summertime? Too hot! ‘Sun of a Beach’ (video)
Man, it is hot out here today. Sun of a Beach!
Breaking the Ñews: Massive immigration caused California drought
Screw your liberal “climate change” answer that’s really a code word so-called “progressives” use to steal from people who work for a living instead of sucking Obamacare’s socialist welfare titties.
Where has all of California’s water gone?
It’s the immigrants, stupid!
Victor David Hanson reports for the National Review:
Mas…Breaking the Ñews: Massive immigration caused California drought
Germany’s ‘Mexican’ thrill ride has its ups and downs (video)
Auf Deutschland, thrill-seekers experience authentic pre-Columbian Mexico with every Talocan thrill ride at Phantasialand, the gigantor theme park in Brühl, North Rhine-Westphalia. [Beer and wurst slightly wurstier east of the Seine. Fire and water included. Earth and wind available at extra charge. Ask your cartel liason about extra-judicial disappearances and Aztec sacrifices.]