white nationalist
SARAPE’s GRILL: Sending folks back to where they came from since 1493 (toon)
POCHO amigo Arnie Bermudez’ new cartoon series follows events at your favorite local taqueria, SARAPE’s GRILL.
Let’s take a look ….
Mas…SARAPE’s GRILL: Sending folks back to where they came from since 1493 (toon)
Kap G’s question for the President: What’s a day without a Mexican?
Atlanta’s Kap G — born George Ramirez — has a question for the president:
Mas…Kap G’s question for the President: What’s a day without a Mexican?
White House photo opportunity: Two racists meet actual heroes (toon)
[See more Payton Heogh toons at WeaklyPolitical.com]
Schoolhouse Mock! Music Video: I am a slave, yes I’m only a slave
From the The Roots and crew at black-ish, this Schoolhouse Rock! inspired video celebrates our proud Southern Confederate Heritage through the eyes of a slave.
Mas…Schoolhouse Mock! Music Video: I am a slave, yes I’m only a slave
El Grito de Independencia w/ Miguel Hidalgo, José María Morelos (toon)
¡Aquí estamos y no nos vamos!
DEPLORABLES! Gay Latino at a right wing press conference (video)
Look! It’s crooked Hillary libtard propaganda from a sinner. Shameless!
Or, as Media Matters, who made this video explains:
Mas…DEPLORABLES! Gay Latino at a right wing press conference (video)