I stand with Emma! #GunControlNow #WeCallBS #StandWiththeKids (video, toon, poster, free print-quality PDF download)


“They say that tougher gun laws do not decrease gun violence. We call BS!
They say a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun. We call BS!
They say guns are just tools like knives and are as dangerous as cars. We call BS!”

Stoneman Douglas massacre survivor Emma Gonzalez called on Trump and Congressional death-complicit GOP legislators/enablers to tighten gun restrictions in an impassioned speech at an anti-gun rally in Fort Lauderdale Saturday (video below).

We stand with Emma, and we are happy to make this illustration available for free as a high-resolution PDF file for printing placards and posters.

Mas…I stand with Emma! #GunControlNow #WeCallBS #StandWiththeKids (video, toon, poster, free print-quality PDF download)

It CAN happen here: 20,000 Nazis rally at Madison Square Garden (video)

There’s a former American Nazi Party official running on the GOP ticket for United States Congress in Illinois. Trump defended the Nazis who marched and murdered in Charlottesville. His administration demonizes and criminalizes the lives of people of color, non-Christians, LGBT citizens, and immigrants.

And in 1939, 20,000 Americans rallied in Madison Square Garden to support the Nazis. It can’t happen here? IT ALREADY HAS.

Hey, Democrats: Don’t make a deal on the shithole border wall!

If Democratic leaders make a deal with President Donald J. Trump on his shithole border wall, they will secure his re-election in 2020.

Eight years of a disastrous Trump administration is not acceptable! Neither the United States nor the world can survive eight years of the “Racist-in-Chief” and “Hustler-in-Chief.”

It appears that Counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation represents our only hope to impeach Trump or force him to resign like former President Richard M. Nixon. And while he’s at it, Mueller shouldn’t forget about Vice President Mike Pence–a more polished bigot. No pressure, Mr. Mueller!

Mas…Hey, Democrats: Don’t make a deal on the shithole border wall!