Mr. Manager: WTF is this ‘Hispanic Option Dr Pepper’? (NSFW video)
Excuse me, Mr. Store Manager in San Antonio, Texas. I see you’re selling Hispanic Option Dr Pepper. Is it good? Do you have White Option Dr Pepper? Black Option? Korean? Chinese? [NSFW adult language.]
Mas…Mr. Manager: WTF is this ‘Hispanic Option Dr Pepper’? (NSFW video)
Es a party time when I see ‘Mi Amigo Blanco’ (video)
Frankie Quiñones is a happy guëy — he has a white friend!
Taco Tuesday Video: The Taco Trucks of Los Angeles
In Los Angeles, everyone eats at taco trucks. [Video by Ran Zhang.]
Happy Black History Month: Eddie Murphy is ‘Mr. White’ (video)
What exactly is life like for white Americans in America? Eddie Murphy went undercover to find out.
Mas…Happy Black History Month: Eddie Murphy is ‘Mr. White’ (video)
What are America’s Pocho Ocho Top Brownest Jobs?
The Atlantic analyzed the stats and guess what!? Some professions in the United Estates are positively teeming with white people — jobs like veterinarian, espeech sangwich pathologist and meelrye (chart excerpt, above).
Hurm, we said, perhaps we can fabricate a similar list of America’s brownest jobs.
“So let it be written, so let it be done!” said Pharoah, another white dude. And we did. Here’s our list of America’s Pocho Ocho Top Brownest Jobs:
8. Piñata Fluffer
7. Chief Cleavage Officer for Spanish Language TV Network News Division
6. Tia Guadalupe Gutierrez Santa Maria de Los Angeles y Zacatecas
Watch: Mexican fashionistas demo what the cool kids will wear in 2035
The students at Mexico City’s Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Moda de Casa de Francia designed and produced 20 “intelligent” pieces of clothing for your fashion-forward future. Twenty years from now, we’ll all be wearing black and white poofy mexi-burkas with built-in virtual reality. SPOILER: All the extra-cool kids will have gray hair, 3D printers and electric shoes.
White Americans are biased against blacks, and some more than others
Most white Americans are biased against blacks, but it differs across the country. In this map, the redder the state, the higher the hate. Michigan, in gray, is in middle, bias-wise, and the bluer states are less biased than Michigan.
There’s some tricky methodology involved, and there may be some “selection bias,” but if anything, the survey results may underestimate the prejudice.
Here’s The Washington Post Wonk Blog report:
Mas…White Americans are biased against blacks, and some more than others
Jon Stewart: The colorblind death of an unarmed black teen (video)
Now that Obama has been elected and re-elected, we’re in a post-racial society, right? And the death of an [another] unarmed black teenager at the hand of a white cop isn’t about race at all. Anti-American liberals, you see, are playing the race card again. Jon Stewart explains.
Hate Letter of the Day: Dear Lala, you racist hypocrite
Mexicans and Anglo Americans are exactly alike. You are just as racist Mejicanoh, oh wait, I mean, Chicano… Meixcan American… I forget, you don’t consider yourselves Mexican… or do you. You MeCHA Aztlanersss get me all confused. Or wait, you don’t consider yourselves Latino but rather.. MESSICAN!
ANYWAYS… so, as I was saying, you share the same RACIST views, in fact, you’re no different than right wing Caucasian Americans, whom at least are upfront about their racism and xenophobia, you’re more aligned with Liberal Democrats whom subversively are racist.
Mas...Hate Letter of the Day: Dear Lala, you racist hypocrite
Black History Video: Eddie Murphy goes undercover as ‘Mr. White’
What exactly is life like for white Americans in America? Eddie Murphy went undercover to find out.
Mas…Black History Video: Eddie Murphy goes undercover as ‘Mr. White’
Um, excuse me…we prefer to be called ‘white folk’ (photo)
We can’t track the original of this photo to give its creator props, so we’ll just heartily thank all Internet-enabled photographers, wherever they are. And whatever they want to be called, tambien. After all, what’s in a name?
Trevor Noah: It’s not easy being mixed (NSFW video)
“Coloured” stand up comic Trevor Noah explains his mixed-race life in apatheid-era South Africa to fans in London. [NSFW adult language.]
Aamer Rahman: What’s the deal with white people? (video)
Australian comic Aamer Rahman — half of Fear of A Brown Planet — discusses the pitfalls of trying to joke about race, color and ethnicity.
Mas…Aamer Rahman: What’s the deal with white people? (video)
These black people are not so amused by white folks (photos)
It ain’t easy being black in a white man’s world, and we have the photos to prove it!
But wait, there’s more!
Mas…These black people are not so amused by white folks (photos)
iNotRacist: Social media app keeps track of your non-racism (video)
You’re not a racist. You open doors for African-Americans, you talk with the Latino guy behind the counter at lunch and you even make friends with that Asian guy at work, the crazy weird one on the fifth floor. But wouldn’t it be cool if you could get credit for all your non-racist activities? Check out iNotRacist — available soon for your iPhone.
Pocho Ocho ways the GOP can lure back young voters
It’s no secret: The Grand Old Party needs some new blood.
If the Republican Party, formerly the “Party of Lincoln,” is to succeed nationally, it needs more women, “minorities,” and younger voters. Old angry reactionary white people is not a growing constituency.
Here are Pocho Ocho ways the GOP can bring more young voters aboard:
8. Refer to them as “whippersnappers”
7. Say “dang-fangled” as much as possible
6. Promise 72 virgins to new party members
Breaking: San Diego firm offers Thailand plastic surgery tours
(PNS reporting from SAN DIEGO) Horton District travel agency Mad Mad World Tours is now offering a new cosmetic surgery/tour package featuring makeovers in beautiful Thailand, the company announced today.
The tours, organized in partnership with the Bod Thai Clinic of Bangkok, Thailand, promise an all-expenses-paid two-week luxury trip to the southeast Asian country and a procedure called a frental nopalectomy. The forehead surgery promotion targets upscale Mexican-Americans.
Mas…Breaking: San Diego firm offers Thailand plastic surgery tours
PBS ‘Downton Abbey’ series adds first adorable black character
(PNS reporting from LONDON) Downton Abbey executive producer Gareth Neame said today that newcomer Gary Coleman’s addition to the British show “will bring interesting twists to the drama.” The cute-as-a-button actor has most recently been seen in various American sitcoms and reality programs.
His Downton character, Arnold Jackson, is described as “a charming and charismatic” young man. The long-awaited addition marks the first time Downton has had an adorable black character.
Mas…PBS ‘Downton Abbey’ series adds first adorable black character
Hey, honky! The origin of the world’s most heinous racial slur
POCHO Jefe-in-Chief Lalo Alcaraz‘s recent article about the word gringo ignited a shitstorm of debate. White people came out of the woodwork to declare how they’ve been traumatized all these years because of it.
This got me thinking about racial slurs and how we use them in these oh-so-modern times. Rand Paul used the term chili-choking pepper bellies the other day when he was talking about immigration reform. What’s the gringo equivalent of a chili-choking pepper belly? Twinky-gagging sugar gut? Sounds stupid, right?
“You cornbread-gobbling butter stomach!”
Mas…Hey, honky! The origin of the world’s most heinous racial slur
Sandra Ramos O’Briant – ‘Chile Tales: The Green Addiction’
Philosophers have often looked for the defining feature of humans — language, rationality, culture and so on. I’d stick with this: Man is the only animal that likes Tabasco sauce.
In Texas, when my parents were still married, we ate fried chicken, mashed potatoes laden with cream gravy, green beans flavored with bits of bacon and buttery light biscuits. Every item on the menu had its own serving dish, and cloth napkins were always used.
“May I have another biscuit, ma’am?” I would say.
“You surely may, Sandra Mae,” my daddy’s mama would reply and everyone would smile. Or we’d have fried pork chops and suck on the salty bones, but only when it was just my mama and me at the dinner table.
In Texas, there were black-eyed peas and ham and all manner of greens and put-up preserves. There was watermelon and homemade ice cream from the hand-crank ice-cream maker. Daddy held a bourbon and water in one hand, and turned the handle with the other, while Mama and my daddy’s mama drank iced tea on the back porch and exchanged polite insults. My grandma didn’t like it that Daddy had married a Mexican.
Mas…Sandra Ramos O’Briant – ‘Chile Tales: The Green Addiction’
Ken Burns Super Bowl commercial angers minority farmworkers
(PNS reporting from FRESNO) Latino farmworkers say Dodge’s American Farmer Super Bowl commercial is a bunch of manure, according to Claude Rhodappel, spokesman for the Minority Organization for Farmworkers and Obreros (MOFO).
The commercial, directed by filmmaker Ken Burns, used crisp documentary-style photography to celebrate America’s farmers while espousing the values of Dodge’s Ram Truck.
MOFO is objecting to the fact that almost all of the farmers depicted in the ad were white, with the exception of one African-American man, who was included as the “Magical Negro” featured in so many Hollywood productions.
Mas…Ken Burns Super Bowl commercial angers minority farmworkers
Victoria Jackson: What we need is a ‘White History Month’
I wrote a uke song called “White Men Are Good” and sang it at a comedy club about 4 years ago. I could feel the audience tense up. Why? Why is there a Black History Month but not a White History Month? Now, that the white race is becoming a minority in America, perhaps we need to make…say, January, White History Month.
The New York Times says, “White births are no longer a majority in the United States.”
I’m just really tired of the white male, and especially the white conservative, Christian male being attacked in cartoons, movies, TV shows, politics, Affirmative Action, etc. It’s like in order to fix the “discrimination” problem, culture flipped the racism from “against blacks” to “against whites”. Why do we have to be “against” anyone? Aren’t we all equal?
Mas…Victoria Jackson: What we need is a ‘White History Month’
Gringo uses the old Christianity trick to get past the MIGRA (video)
The best defense is good offense, pochos. Watch and learn!
If only these undocumented immigrants had seen the video before they got stopped in the middle of Oklahoma!
Mas…Gringo uses the old Christianity trick to get past the MIGRA (video)