Mas…La Cucaracha: No, Hispanic Heritage Month Does Not Mean Week-Old Gravy
We found another space food video! ‘Un Petit plat pour l’Homme’
Since we’ve established that Americans and Canuckians eat burritos in outer espace, we asked our French astronaut friends what was cooking. “It’s a small plate for a man,” they replied. “Blanquette de veau.” [Video by Corentin Charron.]
Darlene Love: ‘Christmas for the Jews’
Rock ‘n’ roll diva Darlene Love explains: All the goyyim disappear to gather round the fire but out on the town, and in Chinese restaurants, it’s Christmas for the Jews!
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Santeria? It’s what’s for dinner! ‘Otto and the Electric Eel’ (video)
In Otto and the Electric Eel, a modern adaptation of an Afro-Cuban Santeria myth, Miami bass legend Otto Von Schirach (playing the role of Chango, god of thunder) battles to keep an inter-dimensional creature (serpent god Damballah) from ruining his dinner date.