Mas…La Cucaracha: They’re making a list, and checking it twice
This image of a ‘Tamalada’ is in the Smithsonian collection (toon)
Tamalada, a lithograph by Chicana artist Carmen Lomas Garza, is in the collection of the Smithsonian. Looks sorta like your family, right, primo?
Tia Lencha’s Cocina: I Teash You How to Make the Three Kings Bread
Hello! Is Tia Lencha here! Today I teash you to make the Three Kings Bread, ju know, the one with the Baby Jesus in it? Jes, tha one.
I haf many things to celebrate, m’ijo get good grades, he has good healthy, he still helps me put my recipes on the google, and oso, Tia Lencha has a novio. Jes, a new one. Don’t jodge. His name is Axl Rosen. He is a Jewish. He didn’t know what the Three Kings Bread is, so I make for him.
Mas…Tia Lencha’s Cocina: I Teash You How to Make the Three Kings Bread
I’m dreaming of a ‘Pulp %&*^$#$ Christmas’ (NSFW video)
Do you know what they call frackin’ Santa Claus in Italy? [NSFW adult language.]
Lalo Guerrero: Pancho Claus (Santa’s cousin from south of the border)
It doesn’t get more pocho than this! Lalo Guerrero, the father of Chicano music, tells the story of Pancho Claus, Santa’s cousin from south of the border, in this 1956 classic.