8. Pants, as in sweatpants, and it’s pronounced in Spanish, otherwise it wouldn’t count as Spanglish. Say “pontz.” These are what Richard Simmons should wear.
7. Chores, the seasonal opposite of pants, chores (pronounced: CHor-Essss), are even good to wear during the winters in most of the Southwest. Richard Simmons wears these.
6. Cornfleis, you know, like America’s favorite good-for-you-finish-it-up cereal. Remember breakfast is the most importante meal of the day. And sometimes you get toys.
5. Lonche is an important meal as well. Yesterday we had fancy Silverlake burritos with caramelized cebollas and whole wheat tortillas, plus your choice of citrus habenero, cilantro cream, tomatillo epazote or hispster seco salsas.
4. Troca. You can have to have some sort of transportation, trucks, or trocas, are just as good as any other, plus there’s room in the back for some friends. No officer, we didn’t know they were wanted criminals. We just gave them a ride.
3. Parquear. You can’t drive a troca around forever, esé, no matter how many police and news choppers are following you. You’re going to have to parquear at some point.
2. Checar. Definitely a good one to know, considering how there’s lots of occasions for you to doble checar, in addition to just plain checar in your daily life. Chit happens.
And the most important pocho keyword, or shibboleth, is:
Watchar. Not to be confused with checar, watchar means to watch your back. So instead of saying “take care” to a friend, you’re going to say, “Wátchate.” I know I do.
Wátchate out there!