(PNS reporting from AUSTIN) The Lone Star State’s leading export — hateful white men — has reached new levels this year.
According to report released Friday by the Economic Institute of Texas, A Texas Export Snapshot, Texas consistently leads the nation in the export of hateful, misogynistic white men who also run state legislatures.
Texas exported 20% more TPCs (Texas Political Conservatives) in the first half of 2013 than than in the first two quarters of last year, with the trend continuing to accelerate. Over 11,000 TPCs have left Texas since January, they say.
“What we’re seeing happening is that, well, there are only so many slots available in the legislature, and since white flight has pushed out most local politicians from the big cities, there’s nowhere for TPCs to go but outside Texas,” said lead author of the report, Robert Allen.
“This is a net gain in hateful white men for surrounding states, but also other southern states, and in the Midwest,” he added.
The report forecasts that, as Texas’ population continues to become more diverse and less white, this uniquely-Texas resource of hateful white men may ultimately disappear forever.
“Just like oil is a finite resource, and the more we use it, the less we have for the future, hateful white men are a dying breed — literally dying, I mean they are often old hateful white men,” Allen explained.
“So it stands to reason that Texas’ exports may hasten the extinction of hateful white men,” he added.
The Economic Institute of Texas report also noted that the growth in the export of hateful white men has resulted in a decrease in sales of Viagra, hand guns, sports cars and lewd public bathroom arrests.