Why there a ‘Penis Seat’ in the Mexico City metro? (videos)

The Mexico City Metro has installed a “penis seat” in one of its subway cars, featuring a molded likeness of a man’s torso and penis.

Por que? They hope to get men thinking about the sexual harrassment Mexico City mujeres have to put up with every pinche day.

Trade magazine Adweek reports:

The seat is labeled “For men only” … in the video the guys who sit on the seat — clearly actors — squirm uncomfortably and quickly abandon the seat entirely.

“It is annoying to travel this way, but not compared to the sexual violence women suffer in their daily commutes,” says a sign on the floor by the seat.

The Mexican government launched the campaign following research that said 65 percent of Mexico City women have sexually harassed on the city’s buses or trains. And a the video notes, “nine out of 10 women in Mexico City have been victims of some form of sexual violence” in general.

A second spot, below, emphasized the same message by filming men’s butts on the subway platform and broadcasting the footage on TV screens in the subway.