Worst desktop video game ever? Tend your succulents in Viridi (video)

There are no heroes in Viridi. No villains. No monsters. No superpowers. And your mission is simple: Help your cacti live long and prosper.

Mental Floss esplains:

You pick from a handful of starter plants, choose a pot, and click around to water your seedlings, taking care to make sure each plant is properly sated. A snail slowly circles the top edge of the pot. Your plants grow, albeit slowly. The unobtrusive, gentle music wouldn’t be out of place in a massage parlor or yoga studio.

At first, it can be hard to resist the urge to click willy-nilly, waiting for something new to happen. But like real plants, the succulents can be overwatered, and clicking on the wrong place can delete your fledgling shoots. It’s an exercise in patience, more soothing than stimulating….

The game is free for desktop users (you have to download Steam first).

